about us

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A message from the Barrington Players committee 

Barrington Players amateur dramatics group is open to all and run by enthusiasts of all ages living within the local community (not just in Barrington village!).

A number of role changes and new responsibilities for several new members of the Players’ committee have been confirmed as some of the founding members have decided after 10 years to take a back seat.  They were all thanked for all their hard work and commitment.

Our next performance is in March this year – and plans for another pantomime are also afoot – watch this space!

Just a reminder that, to take part in a production, everyone in the cast needs to be a member of the Barrington Players.  We always welcome new members, so please feel free to contact us and encourage your friends to come along.  We not only look for members who wish to go on stage but also backstage crew, sound and lighting technicians and wardrobe as well as front of house – so plenty of scope to come and join in!

About us

Membership of Barrington Players is available for anyone – whether you want to act, build sets, create costumes, make the tea or just join in. Based in Barrington Village Hall www.barringtonvillagehall.btck.co.uk, we focus on having fun and it is a great place to meet friends and develop new skills. We have had a thriving membership of close to 50 some years, of which more than half were juniors.

Our first performance was the pantomime, Aladdin in 2007 followed by Show Time in July 2008 and another highly successful pantomime – Dick Whittington in 2009, Showmania in 2010, Snow White the Pantomime in 2013 (for which we were runners up in the SFD (Somerset Fellowship of Drama) awards for non-theatre pantomime) and Mother Goose in 2015, when Ian Smith, our dame was awarded Dame of the Year by the SFD. These awards seek to promote best practice in Pantomime production and recognise and encourage talent.

We welcome people from all walks of life and capabilities, so even if you don’t fancy treading the boards, we need help backstage with props, scenery, costumes, hair and makeup, or front of house, selling tickets, serving refreshments etc … or just making the tea during rehearsals!

The committee

Felicity Murray (Chair), Richard Harker (Treasurer), Andrew Hale, Peter Buck, Christine Sheffield, Phil Roberts, Maddy Vercoe