Productions and personalities
Cabaret 2017

Andy Pandy 1

Andy Pandy 2

Andy Pandy 3


I remember when

Marvo the magician

Peter - solo

Roger solo

shoe shop sketch

Sister Act

Sister Act Happy Days

wild wild women

Zippo & Compare

Variety Show 2016

Andy Pandy comedy sketch

BBC News Round desk comedy sketch

Catherine Tate sketch: French oral test

Ukulele medley

Two Ronnies sketch

Andy Pandy comedy sketch

If I Were a Rich Man

We're a Couple of Swells

Ballet dance to piano
Earlier shows

None the Wiser

None the Wiser

None the Wiser


Dick Whittington

Dick Whittington

Dick Whittington

Dick Whittington

Dick Whittington

Dick Whittington

Snow White

Snow White

Snow White

Snow White

Snow White

Snow White


Show time

Show Time

Show Time

A Murder is Announced