Forthcoming performances
We look for a cast of all age ranges and levels of experience. If you have not performed on stage before don’t let this put you off auditioning. We will also be looking for backstage crew. Come and learn about set design, sound and lighting and other backstage skills.
Membership of Barrington Players is available for anyone – whether you want to act, build sets, create costumes, make the tea and generally just join in.
Based in Barrington Village hall, we are a great group of people who focus on having fun, making new friends and developing new skills.
Term and conditions
• All membership fees are payable in advance on a yearly basis. Fees for workshops must be paid before the course begins
• No refunds will be given for sessions missed by the Student.
• Members must complete an enrolment form
• The Student/Parent/Guardian is aware for workshops with the youth section may involve quite physical activities.
• The Student/Parent/Guardian is aware that work shop Tutors/directors may need to make physical contact with Students in order to correct their stance and movement.
• The Student/Parent/Guardian is aware that photographs and/or video footage may be taken at certain times during sessions or productions, which may include Students. The photography and/or video may be used for promotional and publicity material for the Players, including, but not limited to, publication on the Players website. Any such promotional or publicity material will be kept to a minimum.
Membership runs from July to July. Same rates as last year: £5 per child, £10 per adult, £25 for a family.
If you need to know more or have any queries please email